Ehrenschwendtner (Marie-Luise), Die Bildung der Dominikanerinnen in Süddeutschland vom 13. bis 15 Jahrhundert



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Psychiatry and its History, .ed. by GEORGE MORA and JEANNE L. BRAND, Springfield, Illinois, C. C. Thomas, 1970, pp. xviii, 283, $9.00. In 1967 a workshop was held at Yale University on the Methodological Problems involved in the study of the History of Psychiatry. Despite the immediate suspicion aroused by any meeting concemed with Methodology, a subject which all too often conceals a total ign...

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عنوان ژورنال: Revue d’Alsace

سال: 2006

ISSN: 0181-0448,2260-2941

DOI: 10.4000/alsace.1333